Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hour One!

YAY!!! A few things....

1. I will be reading from the comfort of my house today. I live in Edinburg, Texas

2. Random facts....hmmm. I don't like onions. I don't wear red, orange or yellow. EVER. I secretly wish I lived in California, but please don't tell any of my Texan friends that.

3. I have 4 books in my TBR for the readathon. I am really looking forward to read each one. I think I picked some good ones that will get me through the challenge.

4. Since it is my first R.A.T, my only goal is to complete the challenge.

5. Not a veteran RAT'er, but I am a veteran reader, so I know that sporadic breaks to rest my eyes will be helpful through out the day.

Looking forward to all the other readers taking part in the challenge. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!


Joy Renee said...

Thanx for the visit Jen.

Good luck with library school. Librarians rock!

Read with joy

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) said...

I hope you're having a great read-a-thon so far! And yes, breaks to rest your eyes are huge.