Friday, December 30, 2011

New year resolution....s

Well, there are a few. I feel empowered enough to write this down. I know I can do it if I set my mind to it. Yada here goes:

Blog more often (hahaha)
Work on getting fit
Dump the junk.

There, I said it. Now to do it. It is 148 am here I will elaborate more on these tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dia de los Muertos altar

I am really excited that we are creating an altar for Xavier Garza's father. I have taken a few pictures....not much progress, but we are getting there! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

DRAT Update

Finished So Yesterday and really enjoying Touching Spirit Bear. The main character reminds me of sooo many kids. Kids I deal with everyday! I wish we could send them to a remote island. HAH! I hadn't realized that So Yesterday was written in 2005. I thought it was more current than that. When I read books set in New York, I want to go to New York.

I am kinda on my last few drops of energy here. Fading fast. It is 2:25 here now. So. Sleepy.

Hour 18

I am getting slllleeeeppppyy!!!
Must go on!!!

I am almost finished with So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld. I should have really finished it hours ago, but Joey is a pretty big distraction.

Next up is Touching Spirit Bear. I am ready for a nap! :)

Book Spine Sentences

Like everyone reading this, I have a wealth of books to choose from. Here are some I have come up with:

This is def my fave
This one doesn't flow as well!

Halfway Point Checkin!

1. What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading So Yesterday. I really like it.

2. How many books have you read so far?
I started reading I am Number Four and Three Cups of Tea but stopped cause they weren't MY cup of tea.

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
Touching Spirit Bear looks to be very promising.

4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day?
I actually had other plans for today, but they fell through. Twice. So I signed up at almost the last hour last night.

5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
One minor interruption, but it didn't hinder me too bad.

6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
LOVELOVELOVE all the blogs I am finding. So many neat people are participating.

7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
This is my first, so I have no suggestions. So far so good. :)

8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year?
Make better book decisions. Very disappointed with my two flops in the beginning.

9. Are you getting tired yet?
Not one bit.

10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered?
SECLUSION! My husband went fishing. Now that he is back....well. Reading comes second!

Readathon mini-challenge: Book origami!

All late, but I finally managed to complete!

Here are some photos of my bookigami:

Book I chose to deface...don't worry, I just tore the top page out!

It is a library discard. I bought it on Amazon. Test origami.
Final product. YAY! I have a new bookmark!

Book Puzzle

Here is my take on the book puzzle. It is an easy one, I think.

I might post another one later. I liked this mini challenge!

The reading buddies

My babies. The children. She and He. I have many names for them. This morning, they have been chasing each other through the house. Now they are quietly sleeping, thus allowing me to read uninterrupted. They are normally not this angelic.

Hour One!

YAY!!! A few things....

1. I will be reading from the comfort of my house today. I live in Edinburg, Texas

2. Random facts....hmmm. I don't like onions. I don't wear red, orange or yellow. EVER. I secretly wish I lived in California, but please don't tell any of my Texan friends that.

3. I have 4 books in my TBR for the readathon. I am really looking forward to read each one. I think I picked some good ones that will get me through the challenge.

4. Since it is my first R.A.T, my only goal is to complete the challenge.

5. Not a veteran RAT'er, but I am a veteran reader, so I know that sporadic breaks to rest my eyes will be helpful through out the day.

Looking forward to all the other readers taking part in the challenge. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dewey’s Read-a-Thon

So, I am going to re-resurrect this thing. Again. Maybe this time it will take. But I need some serious blog help. My layout is LAME!!!

My friend Rhonda has been talking about the readathon for a while...and I have semi followed Dewey through the years. So, I decided to take the plunge.

I have picked out my book....s. Here they are, in no particular order:

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson by Greg Mortenson
Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
and So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld

I think that is a pretty good list to choose from. I guess I should hit the hay. Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning!!!