Saturday, April 9, 2011

Halfway Point Checkin!

1. What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading So Yesterday. I really like it.

2. How many books have you read so far?
I started reading I am Number Four and Three Cups of Tea but stopped cause they weren't MY cup of tea.

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?
Touching Spirit Bear looks to be very promising.

4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day?
I actually had other plans for today, but they fell through. Twice. So I signed up at almost the last hour last night.

5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?
One minor interruption, but it didn't hinder me too bad.

6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?
LOVELOVELOVE all the blogs I am finding. So many neat people are participating.

7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
This is my first, so I have no suggestions. So far so good. :)

8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year?
Make better book decisions. Very disappointed with my two flops in the beginning.

9. Are you getting tired yet?
Not one bit.

10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered?
SECLUSION! My husband went fishing. Now that he is back....well. Reading comes second!


Judylynn said...

Hey, there! Thanks for visiting my blog.

I saw your profile and noticed a few other similarities between us -my husband is from the Valley(Santa Rosa) and I am a librarian! Cool, huh?

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Time flies when you're having fun
I can't believe we're halfway done
You're going great, you're doing fine
You'll finish that book in almost no time!

I always tell my husband way in advanced to leave me alone during the readathon. ;) It's the two times a year I can read and blog totally guilt free.


Judylynn said...

Hey, Jennifer, could you email me? seizethebookblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Tichwi said...

Just curious, what didn't you like about I Am Number Four? It's in my to-read pile. As for avoiding the flops: you can't always, but be sure to have a very large pile of books, that way you can just put it down and pick up another. Also, I had one of the teens at my library pick about half the books in my pile.

Becky said...

Good luck as we head into the last nine hours! :)